5 Top Financial Blogs In Singapore That You Should Already Be Reading

In recent years, online influencers have evolved. In the past, it used to be all about owning a blog and writing articles. These days, writing is no longer what people usually do. Instead, photos, videos or short-form content posted on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram have taken over. Yet when it comes to a serious topic such as finance, nothing beats (at the moment) good old fashion writing. We review 5 great local financial blogs that you should be following if you want to live a financially prudent life.
Do note that we are excluding websites from this list and will only be focusing on blogs that are run by a single personality.

1. Cheerful EggCheerful eggs

Cheerful Egg is one of those blogs that has been around for quite some time. The writer, Lionel, spends his time writing from a perspective of how personal finance lessons can be learnt from everyday events that happen around us.
Articles such as What Penang Char Kway Teow taught me about investing and 5 things about money I wish I told my 20-year old self are some of the regular reads that you can find on his blog.
The best thing about the articles from Cheerful Egg is that you do not need to be a finance graduate or an expert in finance to be able to relate to the articles. The blog hardly ever go into technical matters or review financial products. It simply shares on how our everyday life is ultimately one big personal finance journey.
Don’t expect the articles from Cheerful Egg to pop up on your Facebook feed. The blog currently does not have any Facebook presence. If you want to read the articles, you got to bookmark the page on your browser and head directly like what people used to do 10 years ago.

2. A Sinagporean Stocks Investor (ASSI) 


Better known by his loyal readers as AK, AK acts like an online vigilante in the scene as he brings his no-nonsense approach towards personal finance.
The blog is well known for covering stocks (particularly REITs). It also frequently discusses how people can maximise their CPF dollars.
AK practises what he preach. Despite only being in his early 40s, AK has accumulated a sizeable fortune on his CPF Special Account simply by doing no-brainer things like voluntary topping up to his account during his younger days while the rest of the Singaporeans were busy complaining.
He is a savvy stock investor who recognises the importance of keeping a balanced portfolio that include both risk-free assets such as CPF monies and higher returns assets such as stocks. Many retail investors would do well by following the advice that AK dishes out.

3. My 15 Hour Work Week

15 hr work week
My 15 Hour Work Week is a blog that believes having the right perspective about money is every bit as important as making the right investment decisions.
The idea behind 15 Hour Work Week is that people do not need to work long hours in jobs they hate as long as they can make better financial decisions in life.
Believe it or not, the 29-year old writer behind this blog is currently semi-retired and has already slowed down his working pace in life. The portfolio he has built up (which you can view on his blog) in his early 20s is evident of the smart decisions he has made by starting his investing journey early.
The message behind My 15 Hour Work Week stands in contrast to what young adults are frequently being exposed to in the working world. Rather than to blindly follow the work long hours, earn more money, spend more money and impress people around you teachings that some young people adopt,15 Hour Work Week would rather embrace a slower pace of work, earn less money, spend less money and invest more mentality.

4. Investment Moat

Investment Moat
Investment Moat is what you would expect from a typical investing blog. There are tons articles written about local stocks, some articles about financial planning and the occasional insight that the writer shares for his readers to mull over.
The great thing about Investment Moat is that it provides, in our opinion, the most independent outlook on local stocks that you can find in Singapore. There is no worry about any of conflict of interest that you would typically associate with the research department parked under a brokerage firm that just wants you to trade more.
As with all investments made, you are advised to do your own due diligence and research. With the various tools, analyses and write-ups available on Investment Moat, this investing journey becomes much easier and less lonely.

5. Budget Babe

Budget Babe
The youngest blogger on our list (both from an individual age and a blog age perspective), Budget Babe also happens to be one of the very few female finance bloggers in the Singapore scene.
Budget Babe tells it as how she sees it. She is critical on lousy insurance instruments such as Investment-Linked Policies (ILPs) and makes no apologies for her opinion. There are people (usually those from the financial sector) who would not agree with her viewpoint. Yet at the same time, Budget Babe can be seen as someone who is simply taking the perspective of how an average Singaporean may feel about the financial industry. What she shares exemplifies what could be wrong about the industry. She does not try to make her articles more palatable just so that the critics would not criticise her.
It is also important to remember that being the youngest among the financial bloggers, Budget Babe would provide a different perspective on money matters that might be more relatable to younger, female readers. Articles such as why you shouldn’t buy an expensive engagement ring provide readers with a different take on the true meaning of money, and may potentially change the materialistic nature of our culture.